
the BLOGGER BOX // writing motivation + candy, yes please

Here’s a question: do you ever find yourself completely, utterly done with blogging? Cuz I do.

It’s a little LOT overwhelming. How one person can balance comments, posts, and social media all at one time… it baffles me, and I’M THE ONE WHO DOES IT. Idk man. It’s trippy.

There have been soooo many days when I just want to abandon blogging forever and spend my days in a cave full of pudding cups, blankets, and a never-ending Ninjago marathon (that wouldn’t be all too bad, actually). But, more often than not, all I need is a little motivation. Which is where The Blogger Box comes in.

A few weeks ago, The Blogger Box sent me one of their amazing blogging subscription boxes to review and BOY DID I FLIP OUT. It’s full of fun blogging goodies that made me want to write a bazillion blog posts on the spot.  I have the honor of showing you what my box included plus a review on the box itself. Let’s get started!

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